How To Create & Sell Low Content Books On Amazon in 2023

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of Create & Sell Low Content Books On Amazon, helping you turn your passion into a lucrative business venture.

How To Create & Sell Low Content Books On Amazon in 2023

Are you looking for a creative and profitable way to showcase your writing skills and make some extra income? If so, creating and selling low content books on Amazon might be the perfect opportunity for you. Also there is plenty of other ways to make money on amazon.

With the rise of self-publishing platforms like Amazon, anyone can now become a published author without the need for traditional publishing houses. Low content books, in particular, have gained immense popularity due to their simplicity and profitability.

These books are typically designed for activities like coloring, journaling, or sketching and require minimal written content.

So, if you’re ready to unleash your creative potential and start earning passive income by selling low content books on Amazon, let’s dive right in!

Can You Really Make Money from Selling Low Content Books On Amazon

It really depends on what niche you pick, how you market your book, what royalties you set, and and how much you sell your book for. Rest assured, once you’ve found a profitable low content niche and created a successful launch strategy, you can expect to make good money selling low content books on Amazon KDP.

Understanding Low Content Books

Before we delve into the process of creating and selling low content books, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what they actually are. Low content books are books that primarily rely on visual content with minimal written text. They cater to individuals looking for engaging activities such as coloring, doodling, or jotting down thoughts.

Examples of low content books include coloring books for adults, bullet journals, recipe organizers, and gratitude journals. The beauty of low content books lies in their versatility and broad appeal across different age groups and interests.

Steps To Create & Sell Low Content Books On Amazon

Step 1: Identify Your Niche

The first step in creating and selling low content books on Amazon is to identify your niche. A niche refers to a specific topic or theme that your book will revolve around. This is crucial as it helps you target a specific audience, making your book more marketable.

Here are some popular niche ideas for low content books:

  1. Mindfulness and relaxation coloring books
  2. Inspirational quotes and affirmations journals
  3. Travel diaries and adventure sketchbooks
  4. Pet-themed coloring books or planners

Remember, the key to selecting a niche is to find a balance between your passion and market demand. Conduct thorough research to identify popular trends and ensure there is a viable audience interested in your chosen niche.

Step 2: Create Engaging Content

Now that you have identified your niche, it’s time to create engaging content for your low content book. This involves designing visually appealing pages that captivate your readers. You don’t need to be an expert artist to create attractive content; there are various tools and resources available to assist you:

  1. Digital design software like Canva or Adobe Illustrator
  2. Stock image websites for high-quality visuals
  3. Hand-drawn illustrations or patterns scanned and edited digitally

Ensure that your content is diverse and engaging to cater to different preferences within your niche. Experiment with different styles, layouts, and themes to make your book stand out from the competition.

Step 3: Formatting and Organization

To create a professional-looking low content book, proper formatting and organization are key. Pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Page size and layout: Choose a standard size like 8.5 x 11 inches or A4, and ensure consistency throughout the book.
  2. Page numbering: Number your pages for easy navigation and reference.
  3. Table of contents: Include a table of contents if your book contains different sections or activities.
  4. Section dividers: Use visually appealing dividers to separate different sections within your book.
  5. Clear instructions: If your book includes activities or prompts, provide clear and concise instructions for the readers to follow.

Remember, a well-organized and user-friendly book increases its value and encourages positive customer reviews.

Step 4: Publishing on Amazon

Now that your low content book is ready, it’s time to publish it on Amazon. Amazon provides an easy-to-use platform for self-publishing authors, giving you access to a massive customer base. Follow these steps to get your book up and running:

  1. Create an Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) account if you haven’t already.
  2. Click on “Create a New Kindle eBook” and fill in the required details like title, author name, and book description.
  3. Upload your low content book file in PDF format.
  4. Set the pricing and royalty options based on your preferences.
  5. Choose relevant keywords and categories to optimize discoverability.
  6. Create an eye-catching cover that accurately represents your book’s content.
  7. Click “Publish” and voila! Your low content book is now available for purchase on Amazon.

Step 5: Marketing and Promotion

Congratulations! Your low content book is now live on Amazon. However, to ensure its success, you need to invest time and effort into marketing and promotion. Here are some effective strategies to boost your book’s visibility:

  1. Leverage social media platforms: Create dedicated accounts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your book’s content, engage with potential readers, and build a community around your niche.
  2. Collaborate with influencers: Reach out to influencers or bloggers within your niche and offer them a free copy of your book in exchange for an honest review or feature on their platforms.
  3. Run targeted ads: Utilize Amazon’s advertising platform to run targeted ads that reach your ideal audience.
  4. Offer limited-time discounts or promotions: Create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time discounts or promotions to entice potential buyers.
  5. Engage with your readers: Respond to customer reviews, answer queries, and show genuine interest in your readers’ experiences with your book.

Remember, successful marketing requires consistent effort and adaptability. Stay up to date with current trends and adjust your strategies accordingly to maximize your book’s visibility.


In 2023, the low content book market on Amazon presents a lucrative opportunity for aspiring authors to transform their creativity into a profitable venture. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create captivating low content books, publish them on Amazon, and implement effective marketing strategies to boost sales.

Remember, success in this endeavor requires passion, dedication, and a willingness to continuously improve your skills and adapt to market trends. So, unleash your creativity, tap into the demand for low content books, and start your journey towards becoming a successful self-published author on Amazon in 2023!

How much money can I make by selling low content books on Amazon in 2023?

Earnings from low content books vary depending on factors like niche popularity, marketing efforts, and competition. Some authors have reported earning thousands of dollars per month, while others may earn a more modest income. The key is to create high-quality books, market them effectively, and cater to the needs of your target audience.

Do I need any special skills or equipment to create low content books?

While artistic skills are beneficial, they are not essential. There are numerous resources available online, including pre-made templates and design tools, that can help you create visually appealing content. Basic computer skills and access to a computer or laptop are all you need to get started.

Can I sell low content books in multiple formats, like print and digital?

Absolutely! Amazon allows authors to publish low content books in both print and digital formats. By offering multiple formats, you can reach a wider audience and cater to different reader preferences.