
My name is Michael Diasz Kirindage and this is my Personal Finance blog. I started blogging as a side project back in 2019 and currently I own 3 blogs in tech, finance and career niches. 

So, at EarnPace blog, I write about side hustles, passive income methods, savings, debt management and investing etc. Back in 2016, I was struggling to make money online FAST, like many of my readers. I have tried and tested dozens of money making methods online, but most of them turned out to be scams or click baits. So I created EarnPace.com to help out beginners with LEGIT & PROVEN ways to make money & become financially independent.  

Why my Blog is Different from Many Others?

The main issue I had when I’m searching for methods to make money online or offline was the legitimacy of methods and whether the people actually can do that? 

I have read blog posts such as, How to Make $1000 per day or overnight, How to get 1 Million YouTube Subscribers in a WEEK etc. Which are total garbage, If you starting out fresh and If you don’t have a big bank account to spend on marketing and stuff, you can’t make $1000 per day, yet you can actually but it takes time, not right after you started something. 

So, at EarnPace,I only write about LEGIT and PRACTICALLY DOABLE money making methods and tips, as well as other topics relating to personal finance and financial independency. All the methods and tips I have published here, I take the full responsibility of the legitimacy of that information. 

How Do I Write Guides and Articles

The first thing I do is, I spend around 20-30 hours research on the topic I’m gonna write about. Based on the research and my personal experience, then I decide which topics should be included and how it should be presented to the reader.

After I finalize the blog outline, I start writing about the each topic in simple way that anybody can understand, and I will provide the reference links to support my statements. 

I do all of these to make sure that I provide legit and reliable information to my readers, then they can save time and be protected from scams. 

I hope you like my work! If yes please share my content with your friends, IF NOT please contact me for regarding any question you have at [email protected].