How to Make Money Reviewing Products on Amazon 2023

Do you love sharing your opinions on products and services? Do you enjoy writing honest and helpful reviews for other consumers? Do you want to earn some extra income while doing what you love?

How to Make Money Reviewing Products on Amazon 2023

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in learning how to make money reviewing products on Amazon. Amazon is one of the largest and most popular online marketplaces in the world, where millions of people buy and sell various items every day. Amazon also has a program called Amazon Vine, which allows selected reviewers to receive free products in exchange for their honest feedback.

In this blog post, we will explain what Amazon Vine is, how it works, and how you can join it. We will also share some tips and best practices on how to write effective and engaging reviews that will attract more readers and potential customers. By the end of this post, you will have a clear idea of how to make money reviewing products on Amazon and how to improve your skills as a reviewer.

What is Amazon Vine and How Does It Work?

What is Amazon Vine and How Does It Work

Amazon Vine is a program that invites trusted reviewers to post opinions about new and pre-release products on Amazon. The purpose of this program is to help customers make informed purchase decisions and to provide feedback to the vendors who sell these products. Amazon Vine reviewers, also known as Vine Voices, are selected based on several criteria, such as the helpfulness of their reviews, their ranking among other reviewers, their expertise in certain categories, and their history of reviewing products on Amazon.

Amazon Vine reviewers receive free products from vendors who participate in the program. These products can range from books, electronics, clothing, toys, beauty products, and more. The reviewers are expected to write honest and unbiased reviews within 30 days of receiving the products. They are not required to write positive reviews or to promote the products in any way. They are also not allowed to sell or give away the products they receive.

Amazon Vine reviewers are not paid by Amazon or by the vendors for their reviews. However, they can benefit from the program in several ways, such as:

  • Receiving free products that they can keep or donate after reviewing them.
  • Improving their reputation and credibility as reviewers on Amazon.
  • Increasing their exposure and visibility among other customers and vendors.
  • Enhancing their writing skills and knowledge of various products and categories.
  • Having fun and enjoying the experience of trying new products before anyone else.

How to Join Amazon Vine and Become a Vine Voice?

How to Join Amazon Vine and Become a Vine Voice

Amazon Vine is an invitation-only program, which means that you cannot apply or request to join it. Amazon selects the reviewers who are eligible to join the program based on their performance and activity on the site. However, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of being invited to join Amazon Vine, such as:

  • Write high-quality reviews that are helpful, informative, detailed, and engaging. Use clear and concise language, avoid spelling and grammar errors, provide relevant facts and examples, and express your personal opinion without being rude or biased.
  • Write reviews regularly and consistently. Review as many products as you can in different categories and niches. Try to review new or popular products that have few or no reviews yet.
  • Follow the Amazon Community Guidelines and Review Guidelines when writing your reviews. Do not write fake or paid reviews, do not plagiarize or copy other reviewers’ content, do not include promotional or inappropriate material, do not use profanity or offensive language, and do not violate any laws or regulations.
  • Be responsive and respectful to other customers and vendors who comment on your reviews. Answer their questions, thank them for their feedback, acknowledge their criticisms, and engage in constructive discussions.
  • Build your reputation and ranking as a reviewer on Amazon. Earn more helpful votes, positive ratings, badges, followers, and fans from other customers and vendors who appreciate your reviews.

There is no guarantee that you will be invited to join Amazon Vine even if you follow these steps. However, by doing so, you will improve your chances of being noticed by Amazon and being considered for the program.

How to Write Effective and Engaging Reviews for Amazon Vine?

Once you become a Vine Voice, you will receive an email from Amazon with a list of products that you can choose from to review. You can select up to two products per month from different categories. You will then receive the products within a few days or weeks depending on the availability and shipping time.

After receiving the products, you have 30 days to test them out and write your reviews. You can write your reviews on any device or platform that supports the Amazon Reviews feature. You can also upload photos or videos to show the products in action or to highlight their features and benefits.

When writing your reviews, you should follow the same guidelines and best practices that apply to any other review on Amazon. However, since you are a Vine Voice, you should also keep in mind the following tips and suggestions:

Be honest and objective.

Write your reviews based on your own experience and opinion of the products. Do not let the fact that you received the products for free influence your judgment or bias your review. Do not write positive reviews just to please the vendors or negative reviews just to criticize them. Be fair and balanced in your assessment of the products’ strengths and weaknesses.

Be thorough and comprehensive.

Write your reviews in a way that covers all the aspects and details of the products that are relevant and important to the customers. Include information such as the product’s description, features, specifications, performance, quality, durability, functionality, usability, design, appearance, value, price, pros and cons, and comparison with similar products. Provide specific examples and evidence to support your claims and opinions.

Be helpful and informative.

Write your reviews in a way that answers the questions and concerns that the customers might have about the products. Provide useful tips and advice on how to use, maintain, or troubleshoot the products. Share your insights and recommendations on who might benefit from the products and why. Explain how the products met or exceeded your expectations or how they failed or disappointed you.

Be engaging and entertaining.

Write your reviews in a way that captures the attention and interest of the customers. Use a friendly and conversational tone that reflects your personality and style. Use humor, anecdotes, stories, or metaphors to make your reviews more lively and enjoyable. Use transition words, headings, bullet points, lists, or other formatting tools to make your reviews more readable and organized.

How to Make Money Reviewing Products on Amazon?

As we mentioned earlier, Amazon Vine reviewers are not paid by Amazon or by the vendors for their reviews. However, they can still make money reviewing products on Amazon indirectly through other means, such as:

1. Create Amazon Product Review and Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a way of earning commissions by promoting other people’s products or services on your website, blog, social media, or other platforms. You can sign up for the Amazon Associates Program, which allows you to create links to any product on Amazon and earn a percentage of the sales generated through your links. You can include these links in your reviews or in other content related to the products you review.

2. Review Amazon Products on Your Blog.

Blogging is a way of creating and publishing content on a specific topic or niche on your own website or blog. You can create a blog dedicated to reviewing products on Amazon or related to a certain category or niche that you are interested in or knowledgeable about. You can monetize your blog by displaying ads, selling sponsored posts, offering paid subscriptions, or using other methods.

3. Create Review Videos on YouTube.

YouTube is a way of creating and uploading videos on various topics or niches on your own YouTube channel. You can create videos where you review products on Amazon or related to a certain category or niche that you are interested in or knowledgeable about. You can monetize your YouTube channel by enabling ads, joining the YouTube Partner Program, selling merchandise, offering memberships, or using other methods.

4. Share Your Amazon Reviews on Social media.

Social media is a way of creating and sharing content on various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, etc. You can create content where you review products on Amazon or related to a certain category or niche that you are interested in or knowledgeable about. You can monetize your social media accounts by collaborating with brands, joining influencer networks, selling shoutouts, offering paid promotions, or using other methods.

These are some of the ways you can make money reviewing products on Amazon besides being a Vine Voice. However, you should be aware of the rules and regulations that apply to each platform and method before you start using them. You should also disclose any affiliation or compensation that you receive from any source when writing your reviews.


Reviewing products on Amazon can be a fun and rewarding hobby that can also help you earn some extra income. By joining Amazon Vine, you can receive free products in exchange for your honest and unbiased feedback. By following the guidelines and best practices we shared in this blog post, you can write effective and engaging reviews that will benefit both the customers and the vendors.

You can also make money reviewing products on Amazon indirectly through other means such as affiliate marketing, blogging, YouTube, social media, etc. However, you should be careful and ethical when using these methods and disclose any affiliation or compensation that you receive from any source.

We hope this blog post has given you some useful information and tips on how to make money reviewing products on Amazon. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.