How to make money in Cyberpunk 2077 is no easy feat. Making money in Cyberpunk 2077 is very important, this guide helps you get rich faster. Need to know how to make money in Cyberpunk 2077? With some of the best gear and abilities being locked behind expensive storefronts, you’re going to need to know how to earn a decent living on the streets of Night City almost as soon as you start the game. Whether you want to get the best cyberware and quickhacks, or you simply want to be a flash punk, money is vital.
How to make money in Cyberpunk Guide 2023
This guide is spoiler-free when it comes to the story of Cyberpunk 2077. There are a couple of mentions of mission titles, but nothing specific and certainly nothing that will ruin your narrative experience.
Should you sell your Junk Items
Selling Junk Items can be a lucrative business in Cyberpunk 2077. Especially at the start when money is very tight. Some of the junk is worth quite a lot so when you find junk that is worth $800 you are going to be very happy. And don’t worry, since Junk Items are not owned by anyone, no one will come to look for them or fight you for them if you take them from some public place.
If you do decide to sell your junk then do not spec into the perk that automatically disassembles junk, especially not in the early stages of the gage. It will destroy all the junk that you can sell off to any vendor. And especially at the start when you start out low you will want to sell as much junk as possible.

Junk items are automatically disassembled which is nice except some items are worth keeping around to sell. BUT the real issue is now I can’t read the witty quips on each item and it’s SO frustrating. – Meta, via Reddit.
And if you are not getting into crafting then do not disassemble your old weapons but sell them instead. It is a good money maker, keep the epic and legendaries and even the uncommon ones until you find a better weapon and sell the rest. Especially the common weapons.
Also keep in mind that Night City has a lot of Drop Stations placed around the map, these are yellow stations that are marked on your map by a box and you can quickly sell your redundant stuff there.
If you do decide to craft then you just loot every item that you can possibly find, spec into automatic disassembly and then open your craft screen and craft as many green items as you can. Find a drop station and sell it there!

Keep in mind that you can also gain materials by using the soda vendors and disassemble those for materials. Crafting also gives you a small amount of Experience Points so that is always nice to have.
Do not pick up the Skill Perk that disassembles automatically Junk items unless you plan to go heavy on Crafting. Junk items can pile up and provide decent income for you in the early game and they all have fun descriptions if you want to read interesting things.
Howto earn credits from Street Crimes
Sometimes you are cruising in Night City in that car that you did not really need but wanted to get anyway. And you notice a message pop up that says: “Assault in progress” and a message coming from the Night City PD that says: “Read all the Guides on” and you press Z and you are off to take a look at the crime scene.

Scan the perimeter, always scan! You should see a group of enemies with a yellow marker on their head and sometimes a yellow marker with a red skull. If it is a red skull then it simply means that these enemies are way over your current level and it is up to you whether you take them on or not. We would recommend that you just leave the place because the odds that you will get one shot are huge. An other way to discover assaults in progress is looking on the map and you should see a little spiked melee club icon.
Once you decide to engage, just take down the group, which consists of somewhere between four and seven enemies. You take them all down using whatever weapon you have at your disposal and you loot them all. They usually have some Eurodollars on them and a bunch of weapons and junk items are also usually in the vicinity so take all that and use what you can use and sell the rest.

Most of them have a bounty on their heads so you get money from that plus once you complete the mission you will get regular Experience Points, Street Cred and some good money. It is really lucrative business.
And on top of that, the loot may even contain legendary items such as Legendary Mantis Blades or legendary blueprints.
Again, this is a great source for you to make money and also allows you to explore the map a lot more.
How to Hack Terminals in Cyberpunk 2077
You are on a mission and you see a terminal along the way. The terminal asks if you want to jack in and you should. Why? Because hacking these terminals will get you your much needed Eurodollars using your hacking skills. And yes it is hard sometimes to get the highest pay out but you just keep trying.

There is a guide on that explains Breach Protocol in great detail:
Breach Protocol is a hacking minigame that invites you to hack an object using a sequence of letters and numbers to take control of a network. You will need points specced into Intelligence before you can jack in but, trust me, it is well worth it.
You want to spec into Advanced Datamine perk in Breach Protocol to increase the amount of money you make from Access Points and the first one will get you 50% extra and speccing an extra point into that means the amount will go up by another 50% so effectively giving 100% more.

For more on hacking in Cyberpunk 2077 you can visit the How Hacking works in Cyberpunk 2077: Beginners Guide
Just keep in mind, you can get a few Eurodollars from each terminal and possibly into 1000s of Eurodollar and it will all add up to your Night City bank account.
Earn easy money from Side Jobs and Gigs in Cyberpunk 2077
The biggest money earner in Cyberpunk 2077! Side jobs are basically side quests that are quite long and have a amazing payouts and they are interwoven into characters from the main story so you will get to know them even better. As in: motivations, quirks and background information for instance River. So you want to make some good money then make sure to pick up the phone as soon as it rings.
If you want to make a quick buck and some easier missions then do a few Gigs. Gigs are smaller quests than the Side Jobs but they still pay well. And you can do more of the Gigs in the same amount of time.

Bounty Hunting in Cyberpunk 2077
Bounties are pretty easy and straightforward missions with the game taking you by the hand and directing you to your target. You either kill your target or knock them out and you should get the money right after that. You won’t actually have to drag your bounty around to some shady person in Night City to complete the mission and the get the reward. A target can have a bounty based on a star rating from one to five. The higher the bounty, the more Street Cred you receive, and the tougher they are to take down. So take a good look at your Data Sheet and check their star rating.
The good thing about Bounties is that they can be found all over the place and will be given to you at a steady pace. And there is no central bureau or anything that you have to go to pick up your target or hand in your bounty. Just complete the mission and the reward should appear in your inventory straight away.
However, new Experience Points, Eurodollars and Street Cred will not appear while you are in combat. The Bounty may be down and out but there could still be other targets lurking around that prevent you from collecting the reward.
So before you think that these are blue milk runs, think again and scour the area for multiple targets and only when all the targets are down and the dust has settled then you can collect. Just weigh off the risks before go head in!
There are also specific hit jobs where you act as a gun-for-hire on a certain target. You can find them on your map by pressing M, and look for “Job”. Search for a yellow poster of a person behind bars and mouse over it. You will most likely see “Neutralize Target” which can mean either you subdue the target or you kill them. The map will pinpoint where you can find the target. It is usually the Fixers who hire you for these typical kind of jobs.

The main storyline is a lucrative one
Talk about belaboring the obvious! But yes, the main story also offers a lot of cash as rewards. Just by following the storyline you will earn a lot of money. So if you are on the verge of buying that new piece of Cyberware or found that legendary weapon or iconic gear but you can not afford it yet then just play the next part of the main storyline and who knows the item will still be there when you complete it and go back to the weapons vendor.
How to earn money quick in Cyberpunk 2077
All of the above methods are fine and regular, but if you need money urgently or if you need a lot of money, like for example money to complete the Autojock Achievement, you can follow one simple method – invest in crafting a little bit and unlock the Epic tier of crafting.
Speaking of achievements or as they are called on consoles – trophies, check out the Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements List and Guide.
The method to earn money fast is the same one you would use to level up your crafting skill. You just have to select which one to prioritize.
Craft many Incendiary Epic grenades (the purple ones). Deconstruct them for crafting components. Sell the components to a vendor or a drop point terminal. Note that vendors and terminals reset their budgets every 24 hours, so sell whatever you can, then skip time and sell some more.

Crafting an incendiary Epic (Purple) grenade costs 1 Common and 1 Uncommon crafting components per grenade crafted.

Deconstructing these Incendiary Epic (Purple) grenades would yield you a ton of materials, including Epic ones.

And you even gain small amounts of XP per grenade crafted, which is an added bonus.
To get easy crafting components you can also deconstruct the drinks you can purchase for 10 Eurodollars from the vending machines in Night City. The 10 Eddies ones, not the 5 Eddies. Buy until the machine is sold out and then deconstruct them to get much more and more valuable Common and Uncomon crafting components.
A great location to start is this area in Corpo Plaza in the City Center:

You will need this trick if you want to complete the Autojock and Master Crafter Achievements quick and easy. If you are interested in learning more about the achievements in Cyberpunk 2077, check out the full guide!
Best & Quickest Way To Make Money In Cyberpunk 2077
You may even find your progress in quests hampered by your skinny wallet – there are quite a few missions that require you to pay off some dodgy criminal or invest in some underhanded scheme in order to move on. So you’re going to want to hoard as many eddies (that is, eurodollars) as possible. Here’s how.
Complete missions and gigs
The simplest way to earn cash in the game is simply by playing it like you’re supposed to: main and side missions offer the most lucrative rewards, and will each reward you with a decent whack of cash for each task completed. If you’re still strapped, or want to get some decent upgrades before you progress with the main quest line, there are a couple of fixers located in each part of the map that will give you smaller, less well-paid gigs, too.Completing gigs offered by fixers builds your Street Cred, too, which in turn gets you more work. It’s a rewarding loop of work and cash flow that improves the game experience and rewards you with tangible assets, to boot. If you’re losing track of these gigs, there’s a dedicated section for them in your journal where you can see which you’ve completed and how well they pay. Hope you like fetch quests!
Sell your junk items
When you first start the game, you’re going to want to pick up just about everything you can find. If it’s not bolted down, pilfer it. Using quickhacks to steal cash directly from NPCs can leave them upset and hostile (fair enough, really) so it’s better to nick the loot dotted around Night City, since that doesn’t belong to anyone in particular. Better yet, some items of junk can be sold for as much as $750!Most junk and consumables won’t weigh you down with additional weight, so you’re practically given carte blanche to swipe everything you see around the place. Sell the items in bulk when you’re talking to a vendor and you’re quids in! Just be aware that one of the perks you can acquire will automatically dissemble your junk items; don’t use it, because it’s effectively throwing money down the drain.
Join the NCPD
Is there anything more punk than joining the police? Don’t answer that. Yes, the game is all about living out your rebellious fantasies and sticking it to the proverbial man, but sometimes you just need to know (and be) the enemy in order to get some cash. If you complete NCPD Reported Crimes around the map, you’ll soon start to see your coffers swell.These missions and crime-stopping interventions are handy for a few reasons: you’ll get paid fairly well for these quick jobs (which also earn you XP), and you’ll often come across some decent items and junk that’ll fetch a fair price after the mission. Make sure to follow the multi-part NCPD Reported Crimes through to their actual conclusions in order to get maximum profit for your invested time.
Know your passive perks
From the very start of the game, make sure to use quickhacks as often as you can and pump a load of points into your base Intelligece. Once you’re at level 5 Intelligence you will be able to unlock the Advanced Datamine perk in Breach Protocol. This will allow you to increase the amount of money you take from Access Points (which, as you may have noticed, are everywhere in Night City). Level 1 ups your gains by 50% and Level 2 increases what you can pilfer by 100%.Pair this with the Extended Network Interface and you’ll be able to clock access points from a greater distance and better swell your bank account with eddies as you roam around town. If you’re finding this method of working quite lucrative, don’t neglect your Intelligence – access points later in the game will need a higher stat in order for you to break into them.
Start by unlocking the epic crafting ability

Under the technical ability tree there are two tabs. One is for engineering. But the main tab is for crafting, and this has two perks you want to focus on for this money making method. One is called grease monkey and allows you to craft epic items. That’s important because you will need to craft epic items in order for this to work.
The other is a perk called mechanic. Which allows you to get more crafting components from items when you break them down. Play however much of the game you need to play until you have these two perks unlocked.
Once you do you’re ready to move on.Advertisement
Go to Santo Domingo and find an epic crafting recipe

Next, you’re going to want to get to Santo Domingo and look for a very specific epic crafting recipe. First, you need to fast travel to the Rancho Coronado fast travel point. Then, travel to the street where you see the waypoint in the second screenshot above. You’re looking for a green house with yellow trim. The recipe will be in a cache in the drive way of the house next to the green one with yellow trim. Sitting right beside the front tire of a beat up car.
The recipe in question is called the Char Incendiary Grenade. And the reason you want this is because you’ll be using the grenades to fuel your cash flow. Find this recipe and if you have the epic crafting unlocked, you’ll be able to start making as many of these as your crafting components allow.
To make the Char Incendiary Grenade, you need one common crafting component and one uncommon crafting component. Which is about as cheap as it gets. Make as many grenades as you can and then your next step is to break them all down.Advertisement
When you disassemble the grenades, you’ll get epic crafting components. These sell for $25 eddies a pop. Which is more than it costs to buy a single common or uncommon crafting component. However, you won’t be buying any components at all.
Instead, what you want to do is utilize part of the previous method we linked to above for making lots of money in this game. Which requires you to find a drink machine that sells Nicola and buy up all the Nicola Blue (most drink cans actually work for this). Get as many of these cans as you can, break those down for the components, then use the components to make the grenades.
Sell the epic components at a vendor drop box

From here it’s basically the same as the last method. Sell all of your epic crafting components at the vendor. And at $25 eddies per single component, the money really racks up. The ticket is to spend a good amount of time grinding out grenades.
So make as many grenades as you can before starting to disassemble them. Then once you have a fairly sizeable amount (I usually make around 500 or so), disassemble them and sell the components off in batches. It takes 800 components to make $20,000 eddies. Which is all the vendor box will have on it at any given time.
So once you deplete the vendor box, open your menu and skip time ahead 24 hours. This will refresh the money in it and you can sell more components.Advertisement
Once you run out of components to sell, make more grenades and disassemble them. Then repeat the selling process. If you run out of components to make the grenades, then simply acquire more drink cans and disassemble those. Then move onto making the grenades.
This whole process can be a bit tedious because it does have a grind. But you’d be surprised at how many grenades you could make in the time it takes to watch one episode of an hour-long TV show. I simply pulled up Game Of Thrones on a separate screen and watched it while I sat there tapping the craft button.
That’s really all there is to it. If you don’t mind the grinding, this is definitely way quicker than making money from jobs. And I’ve found that you can never have too much money in this game.
Best ways to make money in Cyberpunk 2077
There are many ways to earn eddies in Cyberpunk 2077, but not all of them are worth your time. In fact, money is actually pretty hard to come by in Night City, bad news for those looking to buy new cars, weapons and implants. There are few money-making schemes you can try though, I’ve detailed them below:
Take on street crimes

The absolute best way to make money in Cyberpunk 2077 is to drive around the city looking for light blue street crime icons on your map. The small skulls, indicating organised crime, are particularly lucrative, and given you only have to kill a handful of baddies and loot the area, much faster to complete than other missions. Make your way to these crimes and start blasting, you’ll get the opportunity to loot the area afterwards.
Loot everything and then sell, sell, sell
Most of the main missions in Cyberpunk 2077 involve infiltrating an area, killing a bunch of people, and then leaving. Before heading out of the back door, consider looking around areas for valuable loot. Anything with a blue, yellow or purple icon will do, just hoover it all up. You should also be picking up as much junk as you can carry, as you can head to vendors and sell it to them for a decent chunk of cash. Selling weapons and clothing is where the real money is. Take extra care after defeating bosses, they often have very valuable clothing and weapons. Alcohol is also worth a fair bit.
Complete Gigs

Gigs are basically your bread and butter as a smuggler/all-round badass. They are short missions that always pay out, with rewards ranging from a couple of thousand eddies to much more. Sometimes you’ll get a free katana, other times you’ll decrypt a PC that’ll instantly credit your account with 10,000 eddies. Make sure to keep on top of these jobs for a nice steady stream of money.
Hack the Sytem
This method requires a little more set-up than the others we’ve mentioned so far, but the rewards are worthwhile. You’ll need at least three points in Intelligence, but ideally five, to get most hacking attempts off the ground; and the Advanced Datamine perk for Breach Protocol to maximise your earnings.
With all this in place, though, you can interact with Night City’s abundance of access terminals (denoted by a red computer icon on your map) and hack them. Complete up to three levels of the Breach Protocol mini-game and you’ll be rewarded with eddies and Quickhack Components. The actual payout each time appears to be somewhat random, but luckily that Advanced Datamine perk increases your loot by between 50% and 100% every time.
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